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February 2015 Newsletter

Strengthen Your Body, Focus Your Mind

Blizzards and bone-chilling temperatures aside, January is one of my favorite months of the year. It's a time of renewal, a time to strengthen our body, mind, and soul so we can fight off not just the physical threats (colds and the flu) but also the mental ones (stress and anxiety) that abound in our busy lives. 


In line with this empowering feeling that arrives at the start of every year, I've been blogging this month about a number of things you can do to bolster your health. In case you missed it, I've written about my favorite way to avoid catching a cold, as well as the mind-body benefits of yoga and why it's the go-to workout of the most successful people


And there's more: My Yoga & Emotion workshop starts next week! I am thrilled about this! For a long time, I've wanted to combine my two passions, psychology and yoga. As a psychologist and certified yoga instructor, I've seen the way each practice has the ability to transform people's lives by changing their thoughts and emotions. And now I'm excited to offer a unique, transformative experience in an intimate setting where you get personal attention -- and the accountability you need to keep practicing what you learn in stressful everyday situations in your life! 


If you're around next week, I encourage you to try Yoga & Emotion. The workshop blends proven cognitive-behavioral techniques with traditional yoga postures and breathing exercises to help you harness emotions for strength and energy.  I've included more information on this in the last section of this newsletter below. 


But before your scroll down, there's one more thing I'm excited to tell you. really want this newsletter to be an extension of what I do at my practice with my clients every day: I want this newsletter to be about you. To be a conversation


I want you to know that aside from the monthly bits of of wisdom I send you in the hopes it will lead to a healthier, more confident you, our communication doesn't have to stop here. If you want to click "reply" and tell me about a development in YOUR life, whether it's a roadblock you overcame or a recent accomplishment you're proud of, I would love to hear it. Your email will go straight to me, and as I do every day in person with my clients, I am listening to you here as well. 


So here's a conversation starter: What do you struggle with the most in your life right now? Whether you want to make a career change or find the love of your dreams or meet another goal, what's keeping you from doing it?


If you feel like responding, just press "send." Your thoughts will help me make this newsletter even more useful to you. 


Wishing you a wonderful week,

Dr. Chloe


4-Week Yoga & Emotion Workshop: 

Stock Up Your Stress Toolkit! 

Have you ever wished that you could stay calm while everyone else is stressing? That you could be more "you" in any anxiety-provoking situation, whether you're at the boardroom or a crowded airport?


One of my favorite aspects of being a psychologist is teaching people how to do just that. In Yoga & Emotion, my four-session workshop, you'll learn how to ... 

  • Stay focused and centered in any anxiety-provoking situation.

  • Observe your thoughts and emotions, then direct your mind so you can change how you feel.

  • Practice using these techniques every day anywhere you are and come back to class to report your progress!

Learn more about Yoga & Emotion and sign up now >





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If you might consider putting your review on multiple sites (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, or Walmart for Nervous Energy, and on Amazon for the 10 Commandments of Dating) that would be awesome! If not, no worries... I just had to ask. 😊 If you do any new reviews or post your old review to additional places, please let me know so I can thank you! 😃👍 For a single page with links to all the review sites that matter most, please see


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