Ah, September... time for that wonderful "back to school" energy! Whether your "school shopping" list includes actual school items, fall clothes, home improvements, or other materials for your special projects this season, check out my new TV appearance and blog on how to shop smart, whether online or in the store. Get the things you need, and steer clear of unwanted clutter or bills.
Also see new articles and quotes on topics like decision making, relationships, and work issues... areas that may seem separate but actually have a lot of overlap if we think about it:)
As always, thank you for reading-- and please feel free to hit "reply" and share your feedback or suggestions for future topics!

Dr. Chloe Carmichael PhD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
PS If you love the newsletter or see an article you think would help a friend, please feel free to forward this to them-- it's an easy way to show someone you're thinking of them, and of course I always appreciate the chance to share with people who want fresh ideas!
Check this Fox5 interview where I offer tips on shopping addiction.
Click to see my latest clip on mindful shopping! Yes, that's right-- mindful shopping. By maintaining awareness of our goals, and learning a few simple tips, you can save thousands in terms of time AND money... while simultaneously INCREASING your sense of pleasure and fulfillment!:)
Check out this Ask Dr. Chloe column on the Women's Health Magazine website where I offer advice on relationships, wellness, stress, and goals. Even though the magazine is called "Women's Health", guys can totally ask questions too! If you'd like to ask a question, please Tweet @drchloe_ and use the hashtag #AskDrChloe. See below for this month's column!
Can stop, will stop.
Overthinking is like getting a bad pimple—it happens to everyone. Your mom, your sister, your best friend (obviously...you're the first to hear about it!), they're all guilty of it. So before I get started, take solace in knowing that you're not alone in your never-ending "Omg, what if..." thoughts. Especially if you're the high-achiever type (which, duh, you are!), it's human nature to try to analyze people and situations—but sometimes, you have to let that ish go.
One word: probably.
When it comes to relationships, there's one magic word that gets an especially bad rap: expectations. But I'm here to tell you that having expectations—a.k.a. preconceived notions about how your relationship should run or your partner should treat you—is a great thing, because it shows you value yourself and have standards. The problem, however, is that oftentimes, your expectations don't match up to those of your significant other—or to things that any average person can or would want to fulfill—landing you in unrealistic territory.
How to Court a Man Courtship is the process by which two people get to know one another and decide if they have the possibility of a future together. Courting is different than dating in that courtship is a bit more serious, often with religious motivations and looking to the future with marriage as the ultimate goal. Sometimes courting can be more restricted than dating – with chaperone supervision, strict physical boundaries, or predetermined periods of interaction. If you want to court a man, you should make sure that you are compatible by spending time together, learning about his interests and background, and talking about your respective goals for the future. Continue reading here. | How to Be a Good Manager In every large organization, there's a hierarchy of management that keeps the whole operation running smoothly. A good manager is able to blend into the background, changing small things here and there to great effect. Being a good manager is about leading by example. It's one of the toughest jobs out there — in part because you have to manage other people's expectations — and also because it's one of the least acknowledged tasks. Despite this, there are several tricks of the trade that will help you successfully manage all your responsibility, in style and with verve. Continue reading here. | How to Know if You Have Anxiety Anxiety is a psychological malady associated with feelings of tension, worry and dread. While a certain amount of anxiety is a normal feature of modern life, excessive anxiety can be extremely unpleasant, and can be harmful to long-term physical and mental health. Because anxiety can affect many aspects of the sufferer's sense of physical and mental well-being at once, and in subtle ways which may not seem related to anxiety, it can be difficult to identify when you are suffering the symptoms of anxiety. Understanding the physical and psychological symptoms of excessive anxiety, as well as the symptoms of intense, overwhelming episodes called anxiety attacks, is crucial for understanding the role of anxiety in your life. Continue reading here. |

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