"In like a lion, out like a lamb" is an old phrase that is always associated with March. Does it just talk about the harsh snowfall at the beginning of the month, and the much tamer weather at the latter part? Probably not! It's also the month that ushers spring--a season for new beginnings, new outlook, and new ways to "tame" problems.
Were there any problems that you had to tame recently? Share them with us by clicking the button below! We'll feature our favorites on the blog and on social media!
The open house runs for three hours, but feel free to drop by anytime from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Wine and light refreshments will be served. See you there!
FREE 14 Days of Dating Tips
Dr. Chloe just launched her 14 Days of Free Dating Tips! If you have questions about dating or just want to improve your dating life in general, then this series is for you! Click here to subscribe!
How to Manage Transitions Successfully
Don't let transitions freak you out! Whether it's a new job, a new relationship, or a new season, there is a way to manage it successfully. Read more on the blog!
Dr. Chloe is an official member of the FCC!
Dr. Chloe, along with other members, has been hand selected into the Forbes Coaches Council, an invitation-only community for leading business and career coaches.
From some of you, this holiday could be a leeway for you to consume alcohol more than the amount that you usually allow yourself to. If you do not want to be in a constant battle with your willpower, I have prepared an infographic to help you!
Last February, Dr. Chloe was invited to facilitate a goal-attainment workshop at Columbia University, which she has been doing every year for five years now at her beloved alma mater. Click on the link below to get an idea of what she talked about during the workshop!
The 5-Step Plan to Achieving any Goal
Carmichael Psychology offers various group therapy sessions. You are welcome to join one of our groups as a supplement to individual therapy, whether you are in therapy with us or at a different practice. Below are three new groups that we are opening soon.
Support Group for Medical Professionals
This group is tailored to Carmichael Psychology clients working in the medical field. We understand that nurses, doctors, and medical residents experience a high amount of stress on a day-to-day basis, and we've put together a support group focused on self-care and stress-management. If you're struggling to balance the unique challenges of working in the medical field with maintaining healthy habits and a social life, we'd love to hear from you. This group will run for six weeks, and is conveniently located in a private space near Dr. Chloe's practice.
New to New York
At Carmichael Psychology, we often see clients who have recently moved to New York City. For many people, it can be a challenge to adjust to the fast pace of city life while trying to balance a social life, career, and dating. If you're new to the city, we'd love to help you connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges. This group will run for six weeks, and is conveniently located in a private space near Dr. Chloe's practice.
The Relationships Group will give extra support for clients who are working with issues related to romantic relationships. The Relationships Group is perfect for clients who:
Are single and wishing for a relationship
Need support in leaving an unhealthy relationship
Have recently ended a relationship
Are starting a relationship and want to make sure they don't lapse into old patterns.
Basically, anyone with a relationship issue is welcome!

If you've already reviewed Nervous Energy and/or Dr. Chloe's 10 Commandments of Dating, THANK YOU! 😀
If you might consider putting your review on multiple sites (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, or Walmart for Nervous Energy, and on Amazon for the 10 Commandments of Dating) that would be awesome! If not, no worries... I just had to ask. 😊 If you do any new reviews or post your old review to additional places, please let me know so I can thank you! 😃👍 For a single page with links to all the review sites that matter most, please see DrChloe.com/ReviewHero
Let's Connect on Social Media!