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Ruby Receptionists is offering a special benefit to our members: a FREE 14-day trial PLUS a $100 gift card with new signups. Ruby Receptionists is GREAT because they offer a "pay by the call" pricing program so that even if you're a small practice, you can have a nice person answer your phone when you're not available. One of the biggest ways I see therapists lose clients is by not answering the phone, which ironically happens more often as we get a little busy-- so just when you're starting to get busy with clients, you are suddenly too busy to book more clients and get REALLY full to the point where you can EASILY raise your fees... a receptionist will solve this problem for you, plus they make you look more professional. If you're curious to see how they can help, a free 14-day trial should help make it easy to find out.
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A 3-hour on-demand workshop on therapy and coaching techniques for therapists in private practice. The techniques have a goal-oriented approach, so you can apply them to help your practice-building goals while building your clinical toolbox!
Dr. Chloe's Favorite Charts to Have Handy with Clients
Pre-contemplation (resisting change)
How to Recognize: Avoiding the subject, ill-informed, defense mechanisms: denial (I don’t have a problem), rationalization (making excuses), intellectualization (avoids engaging emotionally), projection (others have the problem), displacement (blame on other people)
How to Move on: think about subject, become well informed, take responsibility, become aware of defenses, coping: concentrate on problem, proper logical analysis, empathy, sublimation.
Contemplation (change on the horizon)
How to Recognize: seriously thinking about doing something, may procrastinate about change, may insist on perfect solution before acting
How to Move on: get emotional arousal, vividly imagine problem and bad effects it has, make decision using rational decision making process (pros/cons).
Preparation (getting ready)
How to Recognize: have decided on action, making steps necessary to prepare for action
How to Move on: commit to change, counter anxiety by taking small steps, setting a time frame, telling people about your decision and making an action plan
Action (time to move)
How to Recognize: taking first steps required for change
How to Move on: find healthy responses to cope with the benefits of the problem (e.g. if smoking reduces anxiety, find other ways to reduce anxiety), exercise, relax, control your environment
Maintenance (staying there)
How to Recognize: this stage is entered after several months of action
How to Move on: look out for social pressures, internal challenges, review list of negative aspects of problem regularly, avoid people/places that compromise change, make crisis card to help deal with occasions when tempted
Termination (if no relapse) or Recycling (learning from relapse)
How to Recognize: New self image, no temptation OR relapse
How to Move on: relapse is taking two steps forward, one step back. Learn the lessons of relapse: most people need more than one attempt, budget more time/energy/money, be prepared for complications, be aware of small decisions leading to large ones, be aware that distress precipitates relapse
[1] Prochaska et al. http://www.timlebon.com/stagesofchangemodelprochaska.html
Emotion Wheel by Geoffrey Roberts