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Therapy Practice Owners Special

Empower your team, attract high-functioning clients, and safeguard your therapy practice with CTAP. Our unique program ensures a smooth transition for exiting therapists while all billing and profits stay with the original practice owner.

Practice owners: Provide your team with a CE opportunity while learning skills that will help them book and retain high functioning clients. At the same time, protect your practice by implementing the Carmichael Transition Assistance Program (CTAP). This unique program creates a roadmap for exiting therapists who would like to "take clients with them".

It creates the opportunity for them to see the clients at their new private practice but all of the billing (and appropriate profits) stay with the original practice owner until the exiting therapist's non-compete has ended.


This breakthrough program has saved thousands of dollars and endless headaches, while creating a much smoother process that tends to be embraced by everyone from the practice owner, to the exiting therapist, and (perhaps most importantly) the clients themselves.

Therapy Practice Owners Special



Valid for 6 months

  • 30-minute video presented by Dr. Chloe's head of training in development who has successfully executed the CTAP process with multiple therapists at Dr. Chloe's office, Amanda will walk you through the process, screen share with you the documents and flowcharts that we used to make the process smooth and successful.

  •  Flowchart of Ideas for Post CP Conversations

  • CTAP and Transfer Master Policies

  • Exiting CTAP Protocol and FAQs

  • CTAP Client Enrollment Form

  • CTAP Application

  • Intake questionnaire

  • Crossing the Finish Line Turning Soft Inquiries into Solid Bookings recording

  • Therapy Techniques Training for your 4 associates

Therapy Practice Owners Special product image
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