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Happy New Year! I hope your 2020 is off to a great start.

If you're looking for an extra shot of inspiration to stay on track with your New Year's Resolutions, I hope you'll check out my new v-log below. I understand some people don't like to make New Year's Resolutions because they're afraid to fail, or because they feel like it's an arbitrary way to focus on goals. If that works well for you, then great! But I'd encourage you to be open to the idea that sometimes, even if we "fail" at our resolutions we still actually learn a lot about ourselves in the process-- and if you're at least trying, then you're in a proactive mindset (proactive mindsets are almost always considered a GOOD THING in psychology:) So if there's any part of you that wants to try a resolution, I'd encourage you to give yourself a chance.

I'm excited to share that my partnership with Wikhow is still going strong, plus PsychologyToday has now invited me to become a contributor! So it looks like my New Year's Resolution may be to keep up with all these opportunities to stay connected. One of my favorite new ways is my Youtube channel (see below) but I'm also getting more into Twitter and Instagram too lately, so maybe I'll see you there as well!

Thank you so much for reading. I'm looking forward to an amazing 2020 with you!


Dr. Chloe Carmichael PhD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

PS If you love the newsletter or see an article you think would help a friend, please feel free to forward this to them - - it's an easy way to show someone you're thinking of them, and of course I always appreciate the chance to share with people who want fresh ideas!





Dr. Chloe shares the "5 PRACTICAL steps to Achieve ANY Goal" on her first ever Vlog! Watch it now!

Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

You can also read Dr. Chloe's blog on

The 5-Step Plan to Achieving Any Goal!

Have you ever vowed to do something — whether it’s as small as crossing an item off your weekend to-do list or as big as a career change — and then procrastinated for so long you never got around to it?Sometimes, the things we really want to accomplish are so important to us, they induce a level of anxiety that can keep us from getting started. Other times, the sheer excitement we feel when we picture our goal can get overwhelming. And sometimes, we may just not even understand yet why we’re procrastinating at all. Read full blog here! Want to read more of Dr. Chloe's blogs? Just click the button below!

Dr. Chloe's Blogs




Women's Health Magazine, published by Hearst, has a column by yours truly called... of course... "Ask Dr. Chloe"! In this column, I answer readers' questions on relationships, wellness, stress, and goals. Even though the magazine is called "Women's Health", guys can totally ask questions too! If you'd like to ask a question, please Tweet @drchloe_ and use the hashtag #AskDrChloe or just hit "reply" on this newsletter and ask your question. See below for this month's column!

Having Casual Sex? Here's What To Do If You Start 'Catching Feelings'

Ugh, that phrase.

So you've found yourself "catching feelings" for a person you ~intended~ to keep around for some good old casual sex. Who do you think you are...human?!

Sex with no strings attached can be really fun, but it can also get really complicated. First and foremost, don't beat yourself up for developing feelings: Women are biologically wired to feel attached to their sexual partners, so it's not only common, it's natural.

Read full article.




How to Be Satisfied With What You Have

In a world where “more” and “better” are so often emphasized, it can be tough to just be happy with what you’ve got. There’s a lot of pressure to have the perfect relationships, the most expensive material items, and a life that appears to be in order. However, there truly are so many things to be grateful for in your unique day-to-day life. In order to become satisfied with what you currently have, work on developing a positive attitude, interacting with others, and embracing simplicity.

Read the full article.

How to Get over Jealousy

Jealousy is a powerful and toxic emotion that tends to creep up in relationships. It can lead to mistrust, bitterness, and sometimes a breakup. Fortunately, there are techniques you can use to get over it.

Read the full article.

How to Get Out of Bed when Dealing with AnxietyIs your anxiety particularly bad in the morning? Do you have trouble getting out of bed due to an ambush of worries and fears that rush into your head the moment you open your eyes? Many people struggle with getting their day off to a good start because of anxiety. You can take control of your anxiety—and your mornings—by implementing calming techniques while you’re still in bed. You can also get your day off on the right track by planning enjoyable activities and practicing good sleep hygiene the night before.Read the full article.




If you've already reviewed Nervous Energy and/or Dr. Chloe's 10 Commandments of Dating, THANK YOU! 😀

If you might consider putting your review on multiple sites (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, or Walmart for Nervous Energy, and on Amazon for the 10 Commandments of Dating) that would be awesome! If not, no worries... I just had to ask. 😊 If you do any new reviews or post your old review to additional places, please let me know so I can thank you! 😃👍 For a single page with links to all the review sites that matter most, please see


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